• amplificatore da orecchio per ascoltare la musica del bosco
    • nell'istante d'un lungo respiro
    • i lunghi solchi di ipno
    • 46.18487° N, 8.77881° E 46.18393° N, 8.74801° E
    • spoglie atto primo
    • spoglie atto secondo
    • le tiepide rovine
    • dentro un sogno dove le formiche sono tutte commestibili
    • jord
    • culla
    • decoro
    • tutto sommato ti ho voluto bene
    • alfabeto.indd
    • bruto


    • tenerife
    • M.A.D
    • portraits
    • analogic 
    • jabrome
    • 15.08.22
    • green dream
    • italiano
    • Monte Brè & Tegna



    • frammenti
    • bruto
    • poster bruto
    • prints for AC01, exhibition at M.A.D. 



    • “(Im)possible Ecologies”, collective exhibition at Orto Botanico Roma
    • “Accumulation01”, collective exhibition at Magadino Art Department
    • performer for “trionfo dell'aurora”, Marcello Maloberti's performance
    • Fishnet Collective's member
    • co-founder of M.A.D. — Magadino Art Department
    • curator of M.A.D. for AC01 an AC02 exhibitions




My name is Davide Barberi and I come from a mountain village in Locarno, a small region in Switzerland. I live and study in Milan. I am currently attending the bachelor in Painting and Visual Arts at NABA. This means that I have lived for a good part of my life/ childhood/adolescence immersed in nature, quietness and the unspoilt landscape.

What I identify with is something rural and intimate, connected to the earth and its colours, its forms. Is my world, that is what in which I identify and that is what I miss when I am in a city like Milan. My works speak of this need, this connection, they are the tool I use to present myself, to say “this is me”.

This need of mine I believe is something universal, something lost in a past that is now little known, talking about it in my work is a way of bringing it back to life and to everyone's eyes.

The look I give to what surrounds me is more poetic than concrete: the natural element fits into the fragment of
everyday. This is where the melancholic need to give and receive love comes from.

Sculpture, drawing, photography (sometimes audiovisual) are the vehicles I use in my artistic research.








